Face book, we all know is a social website started in February 2004. An ex-student of Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg is founder and CEO at face book. Face book officials have always made this website a best social network and easy to use for its subscribers. Many versions of face book have been changed till now. The latest version is Timeline. Face book timeline was introduced in the end of September 2011 and
originally published on December 15, 2011. It was announced by Mark Zuckerberg at face book's F8 conference hosted in US. Before face book timeline, changes occurred with this website, but these changes were applied on wall. New options and profile gadgets were limited to wall. But face book timeline is entire new look to face book profile and pages. Face book timeline changes your profile from your most recent updates to your entire life history. Recent updates on timeline are divided into two columns. You can highlight and hide posts on
your profile. There is an addition of cover photo along with your display photo. Information box is given below the display photo. There are four boxes on top right with your profile information; two of which are filled with friends and photos. You can add events, likes, subscriptions and other options to these boxes. Map is a new addition. Timeline requires your date of birth to be added that is why face book encourages adding your date of birth and completing your profile. It has the same privacy settings as the previous 'Wall' had. People are not moving to timeline. Face book timeline is not appealing to users, they are not willing to use this version as there profiles. Whereas face book announces that timeline goes live on August 13, 2012. Be ready for the new look, it is difficult for lovers of face book wall to make timeline as there profile. Hope you enjoy using timeline or wait for the next profile template.