Julie Christie
- Was to have been the 1st Bond girl ("Dr. No") until producers decided her breasts were not big enough and signed Ursula Andress.

- British Superstar of the 1960s
- Starred as Lara in the 1965 classic "Dr. Zhivago".
- Was one of Warren Beatty's string of affairs; their's lasting seven years.
- "Darling" (1965)
- "Dr. Zhivago" (1965)
- "Farenheit 451" (1966)
- "McCabe & Mrs Miller" (1971)
- "Don't Look Now" (1973)
- "Shampoo" (1975)
- "Demon Seed" (1977)
- "Heaven Can Wait" (1978)
- "Dragon Heart" (1996)
- "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" (2004)