Tequila, aka Thien Thanh Thi Nguyen, is in fact pregnant with her
brother’s baby. This is not technically incest since it is her brother’s
sperm and his wife’s egg, so Tila is just a surrogate.
mothers are supposed to turn the child over to the biological parents
once they give birth, but Tila says she is going to keep the baby
because she has no friends. I don’t believe Tila since she is a habitual
liar, and because Tila has no legal right to keep the baby if she is
not the biological parent. Tila would make the worst parent imaginable.
This is all for publicity, and then to garner more interest in her train
wreck of a life she posted this statement:
" I feel stronger
than ever, more confident than ever, and most importantly, I know now
what really matters in life. LOVE, and this baby saved Mommy’s life,
because many times before, Mommy has wanted to kill herself, but now
with my baby, Mommy is going to live a long happy life now and be with
my child. Everything from this moment on, will ONLY be about my child.
Every penny I make, will go into my child’s savings.”
“So goodbye
Hollywood. It’s been a fun ride being here with you all. I have had a
lot of great memories of ‘LIVING IN THE LIMELIGHT’ however, at this
point. I have seen how vicious living in the limelight can be and it is
not something I want anymore.”
One thing will never change
for Tila, she will always be a whore, and whore’s always whore
themselves out to make money. I have no doubt Tila will be back after
this commercial break. Stay tuned to see Tila on the cover of some
magazine with her brother’s baby to collect another paycheck.